Ethiopia Yirgacheffe

Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee offers a bright light body that is excellent hot, or iced. Strong floral notes will jump out as some the first thing you notice with this roast. Ethiopia is where coffee was first discovered by a goat herder named Kaldi. Kaldi noticed that his goats were eating the coffee cherries and would get so much energy and would not sleep. 

At Claw Coffee it's tradition that we pour out our first sip (very small sip) of this roast out of respect for Kaldi and his goats. This one's for Kaldi! 

Flavor Profiles: Tropical Fruit, Blackberry, Mandarin Orange, Star Fruit, Winey
Roast Level: Light
BODY: Light
Process: Natural
Region: Gedeo Zone, Gedeb district, Worka Chelbesa
Cup Score: 88

All of our coffee is available in traditional 12 oz bags resealable bags, or 3 pound 100% compostable resealable bags. Select from the options below if you would like whole bean, or pre-ground. 

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