Foghorn Blend

Whether you are strolling out to the galley from the aft cabin or just watching the early morning fog rise off the water, it is hard to ignore the sounds of the distant foghorns as they echo off the rocky coast.  This blend is the perfect companion when you just want to take in the beauty that surrounds you as you take a break to catch your breath. 

This medium roast consists of blends from Brazil and Ethiopia that offers a smooth, mellow and delicious flavor. Floral and sweet honey flavors blend together just right with hints of chocolates and nuts to offer the complexity that will keep your palate tantalized for the next sip.

Because some days you just want to throw away the stuff you don't need in the end,  and watch the fog's mist slowly lift while the foghorns sing their song. 


All of our coffee is available in traditional 12 oz bags resealable bags, or 3 pound 100% compostable resealable bags. Select from the options below if you would like whole bean, or pre-ground. 

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